white clover

white clover (Trifolium repens)
picture taken mid-may

the classic white clover, native to europe and central asia but introduced pretty much everywhere. white clover grows in bad soil where even grass won't grow and can improve the quality of soil it's planted in. clover grows close to the ground, spreads easily and quickly, and tolerates harsh conditions like drought. honeybees and bumblebees love white clover flowers, though it's not as well-liked by other pollinators it seems. since it's lower-maintanence than grass - in addition to not needing much if any mowing, it also doesn't need to be fertilized! - it's becoming a reasonably popular choice for replacing lawn grass. wild animals like rabbits, deer, and groundhogs can sometimes be dissuaded from eating other garden plants if there's a nice supply of clover nearby (though not always). it seems to be sometimes considered a nuisance/weed, though i'm not sure why - i think it's mostly undesirable to people who want 100% grass lawns.

white clover blooms in may and june.